How to Get a Case Study Report Published in form of Book from EduPub

Publishing a case study report as a book with EduPub is a straightforward process designed to support authors at every step. Here's how you can get your case study report published:

1. Prepare Your Manuscript

  • Organize your case study report into chapters, ensuring that the introduction, methodology, findings, and conclusion are clearly outlined.
  • Format the manuscript according to standard guidelines (font size, spacing, margins, etc.).
  • Ensure your case study report is well-edited and free of plagiarism.

2. Submit Your Manuscript

  • Visit the EduPub website ( and navigate to the "Book Publication" section.
  • Fill out the submission form, providing your manuscript and relevant details such as the title, author information, and a brief synopsis of the case study.
  • Alternatively, you can directly email the manuscript to EduPub’s editorial team.

3. Manuscript Review and Editing

  • Once submitted, EduPub's editorial team will review your manuscript for quality, clarity, and originality.
  • Professional editing and formatting services are provided as part of the publishing package. This ensures your case study is polished and ready for publication.

4. Choose a Publication Package

  • EduPub offers various publishing packages that include ISBN allocation, professional cover design, interior formatting, and more.
  • Select the package that suits your needs and budget. You can also opt for additional services like open-access distribution or marketing support.

5. Book Production

  • After the manuscript has been edited and approved, EduPub will proceed with book production. This includes typesetting, cover design, and preparing the book for print or digital formats.

6. Review and Approve Proof

  • You will be provided with a proof of the book to review. This allows you to make final adjustments before the book is officially published.

7. Publication and Distribution

  • Your book will be published with an ISBN and made available across major online platforms like Amazon, Google Books, and EduPub’s own channels.
  • If opted, the book will also be made available in eBook format, increasing its reach to a global audience.

8. Marketing and Promotion

  • EduPub provides options for marketing your book, including social media promotion, book listing on online databases, and more.
  • You can also choose to work with EduPub on specific promotional campaigns for your case study report.