Namaste importance of Publication of Conference proceedings with ISBN or as special issue in the Journal

The online availability of conference proceedings with an ISBN or as a special issue in an open access journal like (link unavailable) is crucial for several reasons

- Global Accessibility: Online availability makes the proceedings accessible worldwide, transcending geographical barriers.

- Permanence: Proceedings are permanently preserved and indexed, ensuring long-term visibility and accessibility.

- Credibility: Assigning an ISBN and publishing in a reputable open access journal like EduPub enhances the credibility and legitimacy of the research.

- Visibility: Online availability increases the visibility and discoverability of research, potentially leading to more citations and collaborations.

- Open Access: Publishing in an open access journal ensures that research is freely available to all, promoting knowledge sharing and progress.

- Indexing: Proceedings are indexed in various databases, making them easily searchable and retrievable.

- Archival Purposes: Online availability ensures that conference proceedings are preserved for future generations, serving as a valuable resource.

- Networking: Online proceedings facilitate connections among researchers, fostering global networking and potential collaborations.

- Timeliness: Online availability enables rapid dissemination of research, reducing the time lag between presentation and publication.

- Wider Impact: Online proceedings can reach a broader audience, including policymakers, practitioners, and the general public, amplifying the research's impact.