Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) Results for 2020-21 and 2021-22

 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has released the results of Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) for the reference periods April 2020 to March 2021 (i.e. financial year 2020-21) referred to as ASI 2020-21 and for the reference period April 2021 to March 2022 (i.e. financial year 2021-22) referred to as ASI 2021-22 in this press note. The field work for these surveys were carried out during April 2022 to November 2022 for ASI 2020-21 and during March 2023 to September 2023 for ASI 2021-22. A considerable part of the reference period for ASI 2020-21 was affected by the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic that witnessed lockdown and major disruption not only in India but also globally. Part of reference period for ASI 2021-22 witnessed the second wave of the pandemic. The field work of ASI 2020-21 started late as the filing dates for Companies in respect of the financial year ended on 31.03.2021 were extended. This had a spillover effect on the field work of the next survey i.e. ASI 2021-22 which was delayed as well. A brief about the survey in terms of coverage, sampling strategy, data collection mechanism etc. is given at the Endnote.

Annual Survey of Industries is conducted with the primary objective to provide a meaningful insight into the dynamics of change in the composition, growth and structure of various manufacturing industries in terms of output, value added, employment, capital formation and a host of other parameters. It provides valuable input to the National Accounts Statistics at national and state level. The results are prepared at state and major industry level. ASI 2020-21 and ASI 2021-22 results along with write-up are available in the website of the Ministry ( 

Key highlights from the ASI 2020-21 and ASI 2021-22 results

  • The ASI results for the year 2021-22 exhibits the resilience shown by the Indian manufacturing sector and tells the unique turn-around story of the Indian manufacturing sector after the adverse effect of pandemic witnessed in 2020-21 in terms of output and input contraction and also a marginal fall in employment.
  • The results show that while the Gross Value Added (GVA)[1] grew by 8.8% in current prices in the year 2020-21 over 2019-20 mainly on account of sharp fall in input (4.1%) that more than offset an output contraction (1.9%) in the sector in a year which was affected by COVID; the GVA has gone up significantly by 26.6% in 2021-22 over 2020-21 riding on a high growth in the industrial output which grew by more than 35% in value terms during this period in current prices.
  • The year 2021-22 witnessed a sharp rise in level as well as in growth of majority of the important economic parameters like invested capital, input, output, GVA, net income and net profit registered by the sector and even surpassed the pre-pandemic level in absolute value terms.
  • The main drivers of this growth in 2021-22 were industries like Manufacture of Basic metal, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products, Pharmaceutical Products, Motor vehicles, Food Products and Chemical and Chemical products. These industries, taken together, contributed about 56% of the total GVA of the sector and showed a GVA growth of 34.4% and output growth of 37.5% in comparison to 2020-21.
  • Due to Covid pandemic, there had been a marginal fall in employment in 2020-21 which was more than compensated in the subsequent year i.e. in 2021-22 with total estimated employment in the sector showing a robust growth of 7.0 % year-on-year (Y-o-Y). In fact, the estimated number of persons engaged in this sector in 2021-22 has exceeded the pre-pandemic level (that is 2018-19) by more than 9.35 lakh. At the same time, average emoluments also registered an increase with average salary earned per employee in this sector had gone up by 1.7% in 2020-21 and by 8.3% in 2021-22 in comparison to respective previous years.
  • Among the major states, in terms of GVA, Gujarat remained at the top in 2020-21 and in the second position in 2021-22 while Maharashtra ranked first in 2021-22 and second in 2020-21. These two states were followed by Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh in both the years. The top five states, taken together contributed about 53% of the total manufacturing GVA of the country in 2020-21 as well as in 2021-22.
  • The top five states employing highest number of persons in this sector were Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana in ASI 2020-21 as well as in ASI 2021-22. Taken together, these states contributed about 54% of total manufacturing employment in both the years.


[1] Gross Value Added is calculated by subtracting intermediate consumption (input) from the gross value of output

The value of some key parameters from ASI 2017-18 to ASI 2021-22 in current prices is given in the table 1.

Table 1: Value of a few key parameters from ASI 2017-18 to 2021-22 in current prices

(Value figures are in Rupees Lakh)








Fixed Capital






Invested Capital






Total Persons Engaged (No.)






Total Emoluments






































Endnote: A brief about the coverage, sampling strategy and data collection mechanism in Annual Survey of Industries (ASI)

A.        Coverage of ASI:

The Annual Survey of Industries broadly covers the following

  1. Factories registered under Sections 2m(i) and 2m(ii) of the Factories Act,1948
  2. Bidi and cigar manufacturing establishments registered under the Bidi & Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act,1966
  3.  Electricity undertakings engaged in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, not registered with the Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
  4. Units with 100 or more employees registered in the Business Register of Establishments (BRE) prepared and maintained by the State Governments as and when such lists are shared by the respective State Governments.

B.        Sampling Strategy and Sample Size:

Sampling strategy followed in ASI is a mixture of census and sampling. Some units are covered under census/complete enumeration sector and are surveyed every year based on some pre-defined criteria. From the remaining units (called the sample sector), units are selected adopting a stratified circular systematic sampling strategy with State X District X Sector X NIC 3-digit being considered as strata. Total sample size for ASI 2020-21 was 79,589 and that for ASI 2021-22 was 80,764. For further details please refer to the website of the Ministry

C.        Data Collection Mechanism:

Data for ASI are collected from the selected factories under the Collection of Statistics Act 2008 as amended in 2017 and Rules framed there under in 2011. The entire survey is conducted through a dedicated web-portal without any paper schedule. For data collection in ASI, an establishment (and not enterprise) approach is followed wherein data are collected from the selected establishments.

D.        Survey Disclaimer:

Various quality checks are carried out on the data collected through this survey which is primarily record-based. Relative Standard Errors (RSE) (which is a widely accepted statistical measure of reliability of an estimate) for important parameters estimated from the survey at an overall level are small and well within the acceptable range. However, since the data presented in this result are estimated from sample survey, necessary caution may be taken while using this data (for details please refer to the website of the Ministry
