It is no secret that the cost of living is on the rise the whole world over. Many are already feeling the squeeze and it is only going to get harder to make ends meet. This is when having a little side hustle to your permanent job could be a real benefit.

#1 Window Cleaning
If you are not worried about heights, there are plenty of people that are wanting to have their windows, guttering, and fascia cleaned by willing participants. You are not going to want to clean the windows of the high-rise compartments or office buildings as these are much better left to the professionals with the correct gear but working either within an area that has one or two-story residential properties where all you will require is a bucket, ladder, and some cloths could be ideal.
#2 Ad-Hoc Delivery Driver
If you have a vehicle and a clean driver’s license, you could set yourself up to be an ad-hoc delivery driver. There are shipping sites such as where you can not only look for shipping services for moving your products and items, but you can also find delivery work that is needed to be carried out, some local and some not so.
As you will be an ad-hoc delivery driver, you will be able to source deliveries to make when you are free with no commitment to any time that you are not.
#3 Handy Person
Within any community, some require a little extra assistance from those around them. Unfortunately, some of these people have no younger or more able friends or family to ask when they require a little help. This is when the role of a handy person will come into play, whether it is in helping them decorate their home, collecting their groceries, or performing some light gardening tasks, you will find that your efforts do not go unrewarded.
#4 Uber Driver
You would be amazed at how easy it is to set yourself up as an Uber driver. In fact, all you need is a four-door vehicle, a clean driver’s license with a certain amount of driving experience, and the willingness to put yourself forward. Different states do have different laws and regulations when it comes to driving, so you will have to make sure that you are aware of these before you offer your services to make sure that you completely comply.
To Wrap It All Up
When it comes to any of the job roles that are mentioned above, you are in control of your hours, how many hours you work for as well as when you work. The main benefit is that should you feel that you require extra money to get you through the month you can put yourself forward for more work, and in addition to this, if you feel that you would like a break or do not need the extra money, you can take your time off to pursue other interests.