“Focus, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren’t sure which way to do something then do it both ways and see which works better.” – John Carmack
‘Hard work is the key to success’ is a statement that has been said to us over and over again and it may be commonly used in workplaces or schools. Team leaders, managers, coaches, teachers, and parents are most likely to use the statement than other people.
We are talking about consistent and focused work, which means saying no to distractions for a long time, without expecting fast results. Be patient and believe in the process while changing your strategies and approach, and try new things while you stick to your initial vision. Success takes strategic actions in the right direction to get there and it does not happen by chance or overnight.
Hard work is the most important key to success. Achievements without hard work are impossible. An idle person can never gain anything if they sit and wait for a better opportunity to come. The person who is working hard is able to gain success and happiness in life. Nothing is easy to be achieved in life without doing any hard work.
Failures are sometimes a part of the journey to the success, but in the end of the day, it is all about how hard you have worked on the right thing and this will get you closer to your goal.
Most of the successful individuals had put in enough productive work before they received success in return. Just by working hard on what you believe in, you can understand its true value. That’s when you start to respect the work itself and when you start to learn important life lessons.
You learn to appreciate all you have, but in the meantime, you learn to be patient, to take action instead of waiting and take responsibility for anything you have or don’t have in your life.

Hard work helps you overcome procrastination, insecurities, fear of failure and bad habits, and it gives you a purpose.
There is nothing else that brings more results and progress on a consistent basis than the hard work. The action itself leads to more action. At any moment of the day, you are building and make sure your journey continues. When you see the results of your own work, you feel grateful, accomplished and truly satisfied with what you are doing. That makes the whole process really enjoyable and you find the strength to persevere.
Never doubt the power and necessity of hard work! Create your strategy, make your plan and take the first step towards success today. You are not gonna regret it! Work your way up!
Hard work is a great quality. All work is noble. Work is worship. Hard work is the key to success. We can progress by doing hard work. Those countries whose citizens are hard-working make great progress.
An idle person depends too much on chance. He thinks that some miracle will happen and he will become rich and prosperous. But this is not possible without hard work.
All great men of the world were very hard-working persons. By hard work, man progresses and the country progresses. Seventy years ago, Japan was a backward country. Today, Japan is one of the most prosperous countries of the world. This prosperity has been possible by means of hard work. We should all, therefore, work hard to achieve success.
So the hard work, together with the time it takes, is a must on your journey to success. It makes you who you have to turn into in order to live the better life that's awaiting for you. What's more, the harder you work on your dream, the more confident you become.
The very first key to success is to make a plan. This means having a clear picture of what a successful life looks like to you and putting together a well-defined set of goals to get you to that life. Planning well starts with figuring out what you want and writing it down in detail.
Every one of us has goals in life. To fulfil the goals we need to be hard working. Sitting idly does not help fulfilling one’s aim. We all must respect the chance we get in life. Respecting the chance means doing hard work.
We must not fear failure. Failure is natural to our life. When we fail, we must not stop working hard. We all should believe in ourselves and keep trying hard until we achieve our aims.
We can work hard if we have the determination and focus in life. Concentration in work is very important. If one concentrates fully while doing work, the work gets finished successfully and very soon. We must work to increase our concentration level. Hard work is very much important to develop our concentration power.
To develop the sense of hard-working in children, parents or teachers should tell them the stories of successful persons of a country. The children should choose a role model for their life so to focus on their own life. This will help them study hard with interest.
Success + Hard work = More Success!