Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions

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  • EduPub is a publishing platform for authors from around the world. We make it easy for you to create, publish, and distribute your book in Print and as an eBook.

  • Who owns the rights to my book?

    You retain all the rights to your book! We exist to help you reach the market via our distribution partners and act as a publishing label. We work with a non-exclusive publishing agreement meaning, we don't own any of your content and you can even publish it elsewhere if you wish.

  • What is an ISBN and will my book get an ISBN number?

    ISBN stands for 'International Standard Book Number'. It's basically a 13 digit identification number that booksellers and libraries use to identify books, magazines, newspapers or other publications. Separate ISBNs are assigned for the paperback, hardbound and eBook versions of your book.

  • How many copies of my book will you print?

  • The inventory is Printed-On-Demand (POD) based on sales velocity to ensure that the book does not go out of stock. EduPub works with its various print partners across the globe to make sure your book is printed and delivered to your buyer within the turn around time. This ensures that the latest version of your book is always available when readers order it from the EduPub Store or various eCommerce sites.

  • How are Author Earnings calculated for print books?

    Profit is calculated as the difference between the MRP and expenses incurred during the production and distribution of the book. Profit = MRP – Expenses (Distribution Cost + Production Cost).

    Writers who publish using the Outpublish Program get 100% of the net profits from the book.

    Writers who publish using the EduPub Platform get 60% or 80% of the net profits from the sale of each copy of the book, depending on the distribution plan selected

    Sample Calculation:

    Let us assume, the MRP of a book is $100, and the production cost of the book is $.30/-. Now, the profits would be calculated as

    Profits = MRP - (Distribution Cost + Production Cost)

    = $100 - (50 + 30) = $20

    $20/- would be your earnings per book when sold via, Flipkart and all other eCommerce sites and in retail stores.

    EduPub charges a 20% distribution fee on all online store orders to account for Payment Processing and Order Fulfilment Charges.

    Profits are calculated as $100 - (20 + 30) = $50

    Author Earnings if you have chosen the Outpublish Program (100% net profits):

    EduPub Online Store= $50

    Other Stores = $20

    Author Earnings if you have chosen the India/International Distribution (80% net profits):

    EduPub Online Store= $40

    Other Stores (Amazon, Flipkart)= $16

    Author Earnings if you have chosen the Basic Distribution (60% net profits):

    EduPub Online Store= $30

    Other Stores (Amazon, Flipkart)= Not Applicable

  • How often will I receive my Author Earnings?

  • Profits from print book sales in India: All print books sold via Indian eCommerce sites are reported on your Author Dashboard as soon as orders are confirmed and determined for each month. Your earnings are paid annually.