Digital banking money management is the best way to learn by doing. Without even noticing it, kids start budgeting intuitively. If you have a daughter or son under the age of 18, then a child bank card can be a great alternative to cash. You have the opportunity to replenish it at any time, controlling expenses conveniently and simply.
Bank card for children: why it is worth issuing it
Many people choose to give their kids cash as pocket money, and there's nothing wrong with that. Children's bank cards have clear advantages. The most obvious way is to teach them how money and banking work in the real world, and help them (and you) keep track of how much they spend. The control often appeals to many parents, as depending on the card you choose, you may even receive text notifications each time your child makes a payment, detailing what they bought and how much it costs.
In addition, it is much safer than cash. Such bank cards from 14 years old, contactless payment is supported. You can easily use your smartphone, which provides a high degree of security, as well as a guarantee that the savings will not be lost. You can check your account balance at any time. The WestStein Prepaid Card is completely free. Gives the child the necessary skill in the modern world of digitalization of society. He or she learns how to properly and rationally manage financial resources.

How to order a prepaid Mastercard
One of the parents must open an account on our website. You must specify the physical and email addresses, contact phone number, full name. After registration, access to your personal account opens. Now you have a virtual debit card that you can use for personal purposes.
A bank card for a child will be linked to an open online account of his mother or father. We recommend that adults first familiarize themselves with the tariffs, additional features. Have a conversation with a young user, show with a real example how he or she can buy something in online stores, what dangers are possible and so on. Help me come up with a PIN to make it memorable. Our support experts are ready to provide the information you need and answer all your questions.