What is sustainable development?

With the advancements in technology and the rapid development of our
goals, our natural systems are unable to provide resources at scale and as a
result, our resources are depleting faster than they can be replenished. Finding
the right balance to ensure growth that is sustainable for years to come is the
basis of sustainable development. Some steps can be taken today that would have
a huge impact on society’s well-being and environment. Sustainable Development
is defined as the practice of setting goals and guidelines to use natural and
non-renewable resources responsibly and save energy to create new development
projects and maintain old projects.

Importance of sustainable development

1. Provides Essential Human Needs

People will have to compete for scarce resources including food,
shelter, and water due to the population growth. A long-lasting infrastructure
is nearly totally necessary for the adequate provision of these fundamental

2. Agricultural Requirement

Agriculture must keep up with an increasing population. It can be really
difficult to find solutions to feed more than 3 billion people. The focus of
sustainable development is on agricultural practices that increase yields while
preserving the health of the soil, which provides food for a big population,
such as efficient seeding methods and crop rotation.


3. Manage Climate Change


Sustainable development methods can
reduce climate change. The goal of sustainable development techniques is to
consume fewer fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Fossil fuel
energy sources are unsustainable since they will run out in the future and
cause greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Financial Stability

Global economies can become more
financially sustainable by implementing sustainable development strategies.
Renewable energy sources can be used by developing nations without access to
fossil resources to power their economy.

5. Sustain Biodiversity

Overconsumption and unsustainable
development have a significant negative influence on biodiversity. The ecology
of life is set up so that species are dependent on one another to survive. For
example, plants create the oxygen that is necessary for human respiration.

Using organic farming methods and
renewable energy sources that don't release greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere are encouraged by sustainable development techniques.

Goals of sustainable development

1. Eradication of poverty across the

These organizations typically target the poorest and least developed
nations in the world.

By extending social protection programs like school meals, cash
transfers, targeted food aid, etc., they want to abolish poverty on a global


2. The promotion of wellbeing and

At every stage of life, this sustainable development objective aims to
promote everyone's health and well-being. The objective takes into account all
of the top health goals, including reproductive, maternal, and child health.

Additionally, it promotes better health financing, and more research and
development, and enhances each nation's capacity for health risk management and

3. Provision of Quality Education for

These organizations are aware that the number of children dropping out
of school is at an all-time high. Even as worldwide communities struggle to
assure quality and equity in the education sector, this gap must be overcome to
ensure sustainable future development.

4. Provision of Clean Water and

Regarding sustainable development, water and sanitation are at the top
of the list. They are essential for the planet's and humanity’s survival. The
quality and sustainability of water resources around the world, as well as
issues with sanitation, hygiene, and drinking water, are all addressed in this

5. Building up Strong Infrastructure, Supporting
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization, and Incubating Innovation

Industrialization, infrastructure, and innovation are three components
of sustainable development that are considered in this objective.
Infrastructure is important because it provides the fundamental framework
required to facilitate the seamless operation of business and society as a

Industrialization promotes economic growth and creates employment
possibilities, which lowers poverty rates. Industrial sectors' technological
capabilities are improved by innovation, which also sparks the growth of
innovative skills.

6. Making Affordable and Clean Energy
More Accessible


For most sustainable development objectives, energy is the most
important resource. Through improvements in industrialization, education, water
supply, health, and combating climate change, energy plays a crucial role in
reducing poverty.

The growth and expansion of renewable energy sources like solar, wind,
hydropower, liquid and solid biofuels, biogas, and geothermal are the main
objectives of this sustainable development aim.

These clean, renewable energy sources are best for the environment and
people's health because they don't release greenhouse gases into the


Challenges faced in achieving
sustainable development


Two significant problems stand in the way of sustainable growth.

The first is that employing sustainable techniques and materials can be
costly in many development-related areas. Although sustainability does prove to
be less expensive in the long run than conventional development, developing a
sustainable project may be much more expensive in the beginning.

The lack of a universally acknowledged need for sustainable development
is the second significant problem. The solution to this problem in schooling
could take many years.

When projects are more expensive to start, contractors and investors
cannot see the value in them. It can be quite challenging to create a long-term
vision necessary to comprehend the significance of sustainability when the goal
is to make money in the near term.

To achieve this goal, new governmental rules and incentive
schemes have been implemented to make sustainable development a more alluring
choice for program and project managers.