By: Astha Raghav
The problem of population is one of the greatest problems which are being faced by our country. The population of our country is increasing very rapidly. The main reason behind it is the lock of education among the people. So education should be spread among the masses. If they are education, they will try to raise their standard of living. For this purpose they will adopt family planning. Thus they will lead a happy life.
Unsustainable population growth and lack of access to reproductive health care also puts pressure on human communities, exacerbating food and water shortages, reducing resilience in the face of climate change, and making it harder for the most vulnerable communities to rise out of intergenerational poverty.
We can reduce our own population and consumption to an ecologically sustainable level in ways that promote human rights; decrease poverty and overcrowding; raise our standard of living; and allow plants, animals and ecosystems to thrive.

Only 1 in about 110 sex acts results in a conception and 1 in 270 in a live birth. Of all conceptions, 40% result in live births, 5% in stillbirths, and 55% never develop. 1/3 of all known conceptions ends in abortion, spontaneous or induced. It appears that the population problem depends on a small fraction of the potential. Misconceptions of the problem are corrected, and it is emphasized that while no social problem facing the U.S. would be easier with a larger population, demographic factors do not cause all of the other problems. Increasing numbers are not as important as the rate of increase (2% annually worldwide). Today's population problem has been caused by a decreased death rate, not an increased birthrate. There are 2 kinds of countries in the world today: those with a high standard of living and low fertility and those with a low standard of living and high fertility. Most of the uninformed women of the world would not choose to have large numbers of children if they had a choice. Population density is not a problem in itself. Experts disagree, but it is improbable that large numbers of people will die of starvation in the next few decades. Environmental deterioration is more the result of modern economic and technological practices than of demographic factors. Efforts at fertility control are not aimed at minorities in this country and elsewhere. The poor are discriminated against in access to family planning services and abortion. Moslems of developing countries have higher fertility rates than Roman Catholics in developed countries. There would be many social costs if the U.S. were to achieve zero population growth in the near future. The population problem has implications for the future quality of life. Thank you!