Birth Chart - An insight into your spiritual life.

Birth Chart - An insight into your spiritual life.

What is the Birth Chart?

Every day in the newspaper article horoscopes attract most of your attention. You are always interested to know about your life and its relation to stars and moons. Astrologers know all the celestial bodies present in the universe. They spend most of their time reading and understanding birth charts. The birth chart is called by many names, horoscope, natal chart, astrological chart. It represents the details of planets, celestial bodies, stars, and moons.
The position of all the celestial bodies present in the sky at the time of a person's birth plays a crucial role. The birth chart is the diagram portraying all the important aspects of one's life.
In Hindu astrology, kundali is the term used for birth charts. In Hindu families, it is a tradition of matching the birth chart of boys and girls before their marriage. People believe that more matches of attributes are signs of a successful marriage. The purpose of reading birth charts is to know more about yourself and your position in the cosmos.

Benefits of Birth Chart

A birth chart is not a simple flowchart it enlightens you with deep insight into your spiritual life. Philosophers and Astrologers have been using it since ancient history for interpreting destiny. Saying it has one or two benefits will be incorrect. Birth charts have a lot of importance in everyone's life. It not only recognizes your strengths but also strengthens your awareness of your weaknesses.

you have very little or no knowledge about who you are, where you come from. A birth chart helps you in gaining knowledge about your life and yourself. It makes you aware of who you are and for what you are here.

It helps to find ways for changing weakness into a strength.

A deep insight into yourself helps in the growth of your personality and modifies your life.

It gives you a new perspective to find your talents, strengths, and abilities.

It helps in foreseeing challenges and finding ways to deal with them. It also helps in recognizing opportunities and making the best use of them.

It helps in predicting your future, telling your field of interest. It also explains your career prospects, family relationships. Astrologers have been using birth charts for a long time for calculating marriage compatibility.

Most of your health factors and major life cycles are also depicted by birth charts. It is also used in foreseeing your financial status.

Every human being is different, and their birth chart is also distinct. Birth charts help in realizing your individuality. It helps in knowing you have your own remarkable identity.

Birth charts tell all aspects of your life. It portrays the honest information of your life, including positive and negative sides.

It is a great tool to grow your spirituality and beliefs.

It helps in guiding you with the secrets of your soul.

It makes you aware of experiences you need to encounter for your growth.

Reading your birth chart

A birth chart helps you in finding your sun sign. It is also known as the zodiac sign. The position of the star, moonRobert and other celestial bodies during birth depicts the zodiac. Besides telling your zodiac it also tells your rising sun sign and moon sign.

Moon sign - It tells about your instinctual side others are not aware of. Everyone has a shady part within themselves which they hide from others. Moon signs find you the side where you rely on when pressured by the world. It depicts your emotional level and honest behavioral report.

Rising sun - It sees you from the eyes of the world. It tells the world's perception of you. Who you are and your appearance can be completely different. The rising sun tells about your first glance in front of the world. The rising sign can be the same as the moon sign or can be contradicting. It also tells us what actions we will take and how we can help others.

There can be a great variation between twins born even seconds later. The birth chart depicts a big soul lesson you will experience in life which will have a huge impact on growth. It will heal your past karmas and enlighten paths for others. It tells how you will be a ray of hope for people around you.

How to determine your zodiac sign?

The cycle you were born in plays the most important role in determining your zodiac sign. Whose birthday falls on the transition date should consult an astrologer for knowing the zodiac. A transition date or cusp is an imaginary line that separates two consecutive signs. People whose birthday lies on the edge of the two sun signs date range have transition dates.

Signs of the Zodiac
Approx Dates

Aries, The Ram
March 21 - April 20

Taurus, The Bull
April 21 - May 20

Gemini, The Twins
May 21 - June 20

Cancer, The Crab
June 21 - July 21

Leo, The Lion
July 22 - August 22

Virgo, The Virgin
August 23 - September 22

Libra, The Scales
September 23 - November 21

Sagittarius, The Centaur
November 22 - December 20

Capricorn, The Goat
December 21 - January 20

Aquarius, The Water Bearer
January 21 - February 18

Pisces, The Fish
February 19 - March 20

Understanding your sign

Zodiac is a combination of polarity, element, and modality. It portrays the twelve primary energy patterns of our universe. All human beings have basic four elements in them. Fire consolidates plasma, water represents the liquid state, the air is the gases, and the earth is solid. These four elements are the building blocks of the living organism.
Different natures of human beings depict different elements. Fire represents the identity of the person. Earth depicts all the material substances. Air represents mental and intellectual growth and Water depicts feelings. These four elements combine to derive the zodiac sign.

Symbolisation of the elements

The Fire Signs: Identity

"Give me a spark of nature's fire
That's the learning I desire."
- Robern Burm

Three signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius symbolizes the fire sign. Fire is the sign of active life forces within you. It is the principle that keeps you energetic, lively, and enthusiastic. The zodiacs symbolizing this sign tend to have a high spirit. These are the people who are always motivated and willing to work hard. The vibes and energy of the people lying under this category are at their peak. People with Fire in their signs are born to inspire others. They express themselves with their remarkable actions. They are a great example of a motivator for people around them.

Surplus of fire in a person

Excess of anything can be harmful. Exaggeration of this principle can change the whole positive perspective into a negative one. Contrary to assertion it changes to aggression. The nature of Fire signs can highly influence and change enthusiasm into fanaticism. These people, if not paying attention, can transform their daring nature into recklessness.

Deficiency of fire in a person

A person who lacks fire has a lack of energy. They are lethargic people and need a lot of motivation to do their work. Opposite to the people with more fire, they lack joie de vivre and zest in them. They are not cheerful and happy people.

The Air Signs: Social and Mental

The Breath of Nature
When great nature sights we hear the winds
Which, noiseless in themselves
Awaken noises from other beings,
Blowing on them.
From every opening
Loud voices sound. Have you not heard
This rush of tones?
- Chang Tzu

Three signs portray the quality of air: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Air personifies the mental and intellectual ideas where thoughts become things. It also signifies the energy of breath in human beings. Individuals having the quality of air are good at communicating and sharing. They have conceptual knowledge and logical thinking. Signs lying under this category are social and friendly.

Surplus of air in a person

If a person has more air in their birth chart they become inconsistent. Inconsistency leads to scattered ideas. They are not able to bring their amazing idea into existence. They also turn out to be nervous.

Deficiency of air in a person

Lack of air in a person makes their perspective weaker. They don't have an aim in their life. They face difficulties in learning and their communication skills suffer.

The earth sign: Material

That I am a part of the earth my feet know perfectly.
- D.H. Lawrence

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn personify the earth sign. Earth seeks to nourish you with material substances. They express themselves and have great common sense. They have the moon Robert Potential to actualize their dreams. They are practical people and others can depend on them. Because of their trustworthy nature, others consider them reliable. They are supportive. Their patient nature helps them to succeed.

Deficiency of earth in a person

If a person lacks earth in their horoscope they are irresponsible and do not meet the deadlines. They make delays in all the tasks assigned. You can expect these people to not complete the assigned work on time.

Surplus of the earth in a person

People with more emphasis on earth in their horoscope are overcautious. They are afraid to adopt new changes and their fear of change leads nowhere to them in life. They are the kind of people who are afraid to take risks.

A solid earth person

A person with the right amount of earth in their horoscope keeps their commitments. They never fail to meet deadlines and are responsible.

Water Signs: Emotional and Soul

The highest motive is to be like water.
Water is essential to all living things,
Yet, it demands no pay or recognition
Rather it flows humbly to the lowest levels.
Nothing is weaker than water,
Yet, for overcoming what is hard and strong
Nothing surpasses it.
-Lao Tsu

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are part of water signs. With the emphasis on water, people have deep insight into their life. They have an unconscious power within them. The intuitive power motivates them to grow in life. People feel comfortable around them because of their compassionate nature. They can make others feel better with sympathy and intuitive awareness. They are the people who have emotion as well as an understanding of the soul.

Deficiency of water in a person

The deficiency of water in a person can lead to insensitive nature. They easily become cold and are unsympathetic. They have anger issues. They tie-up with other watery type people to bring sensitivity into consciousness.

Surplus of water in a person

A person with surplus water can be very emotional and sensitive. They face problems in dealing with their emotions and feelings. They ride on an emotional roller-coaster and have plenty of mood swings. They can be calm one day and can get anxious another moment. For inner peace, such people need to control their emotions. They need to bring their feelings into consciousness. They are weak, helpless, and needy people. They always search for protection from other people.
They can transform dependency by tapping their power and realizing their strengths.

Keywords of Signs
Attributes of Fire
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Radiant, glowing, warm
Hot-headed, rash, impatient
Creative, aspiring, spontaneous, passionate, daring
Impulsive, uncontrollable, burns out.
Self-confident, assertive, individualistic, independent, active.
Aggressive, pushy, violent,

Attributes of Air
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Intellectual, logical, conceptual
Ungrounded, Intangible, over intellectual
Communicative, social, friendly
WendyThe, gossiping
Objective, impersonal, impartial, unbiased, fair, observant
Uncaring, detached, distant
Clever, versatile
Inconsistent, flighty, nervous

Attributes of Earth
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Practical, realistic, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, cautious
Overly conservative, unenterprising, afraid to take the risk, security-oriented, opportunistic
Grounded, solid, stable
Possessive. Narrow-minded, rigid, stubborn
Patient, enduring, persevering, plodding, persistent, productive
Inflexible, unchangeable, unbendings

Attributes of Water
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Nurturing, sustaining, shielding, retiring
Overprotective, smothering, needy
Feeling, emotional, sensitive, empathetic, compassionate, healing
Overemotional, fearful, insecure, thin-skinned, shy
Bonding, merging, unifying, dissolving, absorptive
Undefined, chaotic, disordered, lacks ego strength
Figuring, receptive, changing
Weak, helpless
Psychic, deep, hidden, mysterious
Secretive, deceptive, covert, uncommunicative, untruthful

The ancient history of Birth Chart
We can group fire and air. And water and earth go hand in hand. Fire and air are outgoing and they are self-expressive. The keyword of fire and air is freedom. Earth and water on the other hand are in-going and self-expressive. They are a magnet and can attract what they need. They conserve their energies within themselves. The keyword of earth and water is security.
According to ancient cosmology, there is a distinction between the two signs. Fire and Air differentiate from Earth and Water. Their characteristics are like north and south poles. They are two complete opposites of each other. Ancient cosmology describes them as two opposing forces or polarities. You can see one as light and the other as dark. One as positive and the other as negative.
Ancient Chinese philosopher’s active forces and positive forces as YANG. Whereas, they call negatively charged forces and receptive forces YIN.
Positive and active force yangs are fire and air. Whereas, negative and receptive force yins are water and earth.

Types of Birth Chart
There are different types of charts for reading and interpreting different things. Astrologers also combine two charts for analyzing a wider scope of understanding. For example, for studying the love life astrologer combines Natal, transits, and solar return charts. There can be different methods of reading birth charts. But the most common three methods are:-
1. Western Astrology
2. Vedic Astrology
3. Kabbalistic
The way of interpreting birth charts can be different but all the charts are the same. Charts don't change.
There are five types of birth charts:-
1. Natal Chart
2. Transit Chart
3. Solar and Lunar return
4. Synastry
5. Composition

Natal Chart

The Natal Chart is a simple birth chart that shows pictures of the stars and signs in the sky. Astrologers make it based on stars, moon, and sun's position during your birth. This is the basis for all other charts. This is a basic chart without which all aspects of astrology can not be accurate.

Transit Chart

This is a chart that predicts what is going on in one's current life. What the person is in the current day and his family and other backgrounds. It can also show the status of a few years.

Solar and Lunar Return

This chart depicts what is going to happen in the next year. People have an interest in knowing what is going to happen next in their life. From your birthday or after your birthday's future prediction takes place through this chart.


This is a combined chart. Two natal charts are compared for a more in-depth comparison. Putting two personal natal charts in an overlapping manner shows different aspects.
It depicts the following things:
it shows how two people meet
it tells the reason for attraction between two people
it also depicts how much they affect each other
it tells how much another person helps their compatible one to grow.
it also portrays the supportive or unsupportive nature of two people.
This type of chart is considered a relationship road map. It not only tells the relationship bonding of a romantic couple but also portrays characteristics of other relationships. It interprets relationships like parent-child, husband-wife, mother-daughter, brother-sister, boss-employee.


It reveals how strong and compatible two partners are. It helps in analyzing the true essence of the relationship. Besides this, it also shows your reason for existence.
It is different from the synastry chart. Synastry chart compares a spiritual analysis of relationships. Whereas, the composition chart depicts the psychological aspect of the relationship.

Birth Chart Compatibility

"Birth charts are like individual fingerprints."
- Stephaine Rowell

Understanding only the upper and common planets does not help in making a good prediction. A good examination of the birth chart takes place only when all the planets are considered. Inner planets of the solar system also play a crucial role in the analysis of in-depth truth. For the comparison of compatibility between two people, all the planets cover different aspects.
For understanding and reading birth charts you need real and exact details. Ask your partner's birthplace, date, time, day, and every minute detail. Make sure all the details are exact and correct. Even the slightest change in the details can change your entire birth chart.
Different signs in your birth chart depict different characteristics. It should be analyzed adequately. Sun indicates temperamentally in your relationship. Moon indicates emotional stability. Mercury measures intellectual rapport between partners. Mars is for physical compatibility. Venus romanticizes your relationship. Jupiter deals with ideological agreeability. Saturn is for potential long-term unity and Ascendant sign is for social agreeability.

Same sun and moon sign

Since the sun sign depicts your outer self and the moon sign depicts your inner self. If both the partners have the same sun sign and same moon sign then they will be able to understand each other better. They will be more compatible as their emotional needs will be the same. Besides the emotional need, basic identity also matters. Partners with a basic identity that is the same sun sign can interact and understand each other's intellect. The moon sign helps them to understand each other's inner and hidden selves. It is a myth that opposites attract. For being compatible you and your partner need to understand each other. Understanding only happens when you two have something in common. Having the same sun sign and moon sign is like hitting a jackpot for couples. Whenever making a comparison between you and your partner, always look at your sun and moon signs.

Same moon and venus sign

Having the same moon and venus sign is like speaking a love language to your partner. Moon means your emotional needs, it shows your need to feel love. It depicts how your partner can make you feel important and worthy in their life. Making your partner feel important plays a major role in relationships. It nourishes your's and your partner's soul and makes the two of you feel alive. Having the same venus sign represents similar relationship needs. It portrays what you need and wants from your partner. If you have similar needs to your partner then you will easily be able to understand what your partner wants from you. Fulfilling the needs of your partner in this manner will be more possible. Thus having the same moon and venus is like drinking the coffee with the same straw with your partner. Both make you feel loved.

Same sun and venus sign

If your sun and venus sign is the same or lies in the same elements then you share similar interests with your partner. Having a similar taste in things makes relationships easier for you in the long run. As the sun depicts your outer self and venus depicts the way you show your affection it becomes very easy for you to love each other. The relationship goes in a flow and nothing is forced. You and your partner have a lively and fun relationship together. You two share a comfort zone. Your love flows naturally when we are together. This makes your relationship easygoing.

Same venus and mars sign

When the same venus and mars sign align the atmosphere gets spicier. Venus is the language of love and signifies a romantic relationship. Mars on the other hand rules sex life. When a couple of the same Venus and Mars sign align with each other their love life becomes spicier. Besides being good in bed they are amazing in understanding each other's love language. But sometimes their compatibility can also turn out to be an argument.
Overall they have a relationship where the spark never dies and the relationship stays alive.

Supportive Saturn aspect

Saturn is the greatest teacher in our karmic world. This planet is known for its stability and structure. Your Saturn placements must be compatible with building a long-term relationship with your partner. In this case, having the same sign as your partner is not the best. It is important to share supportive aspects when looking for a long-term relationship with your partner. A Saturn sign is very good and can be very bad too. If it creates conjunction it can increase fear and restriction in your relationship. It is very important to analyze your Saturn sign by a professional when calculating compatibility. Having a strong karmic relationship is the true aspect of achieving success in your life as well as your love life.

There are various compatibility calculators available online for compatibility tests. It requires all your birth details., are some of them.

If not compatible!

If you and your partner's birth chart is not 100% compatible or lacks compatibility it is not a major problem. You can always make things work out together. Getting demotivated and changing your partner just because you don't match is not the right decision to take.
You should always try to trust your relationship and work on it.
When you are working on it and strengthening it with love, even the solar system will come together and work it out.

The birth chart is called by many names, horoscope, natal chart, astrological chart. It represents the details of planets, celestial bodies, stars, and moons.
The position of all the celestial bodies present in the sky at the time of a person's birth plays a crucial role. The birth chart is the diagram portraying all the important aspects of one's life. Birth charts have a lot of importance in everyone's life. It not only recognizes your strengths but also strengthens your awareness of your weaknesses. You have very little or no knowledge about who you are, where you come from. A birth chart helps you in gaining knowledge about your life and yourself. It makes you aware of who you are and for what you are here. A birth chart helps you in finding your sun sign. It is also known as the zodiac sign. The position of the star, moon and other celestial bodies during birth depicts the zodiac. Besides telling your zodiac it also tells your rising sun sign and moon sign. The cycle you were born in plays the most important role in determining your zodiac sign. Whose birthday falls on the transition date should consult an astrologer for knowing the zodiac. Three signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius symbolizes the fire sign. Fire is the sign of active life forces within you. Three signs portray the quality of air: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Air personifies the mental and intellectual ideas where thoughts become things. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn personify the earth sign. Earth seeks to nourish you with material substances. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are part of water signs. With the emphasis on water, people have deep insight into their life. Positive and active force yangs are fire and air. Whereas, negative and receptive force yins are water and earth.
studying the love life astrologer combines Natal, transits, and solar return charts. There can be different methods of reading birth charts. But the most common three methods are:-
1. Western Astrology
2. Vedic Astrology
3. Kabbalistic
There are five types of birth charts:-
1. Natal Chart
2. Transit Chart
3. Solar and Lunar return
4. Synastry
5. Composition
For the comparison of compatibility between two people, all the planets cover different aspects. If you and your partner's birth chart is not 100% compatible or lacks compatibility it is not a major problem. You can always make things work out together. Remember to never lose your hopes and trust your relationship.