Every portrait painted is either a truth or a lie , or a mixture of the two. Its beauty depends on the degree of truth , and honesty depicted in it. It also represents the character of the painter . An artist who puts his heart and souls in his work , and applies tones of colour , themes and dedicated motifs , is able to produce a beautiful piece . If his objective is merely mercenary , simply to flatter the onlooker and paint for the sake of getting outward application , in terms of more , his work cannot be called a piece of lasting beauty.
Truth is a beautiful operation , a dynamic thing which does its beneficient work in a personal and social context. On the other hand , a lie is an offensive operation , performed by one man upon other. It resembles robbery and theft. Just as robbery cannot be committed without a victim , so lies cannot be told without a victim to be deceived or beguiled . A lie is an offence against logic. It is an offence against the persons to whom it is addressed.
Whatever else truth may be , there is no doubt as to its being valuable , not merely in the sense that it is good to look at , but also it does good to those who see it , know it , and act upon it . Truth is , in other words , a value not residing inertly in the personality that utters it , or the work of art that express it . It operates rhythmically , making a difference for the better , to every mind which accepts it . On the opposite end is the lite that makes the personality of the teller as well as of the listener , blurred.
Like Truth , Beauty is dynamic and vital ; no wonder they look to be identical.
It spreads in the whole personality of each individual , his heart , brain , the hormones , the eyes and the ears. It is not only inspires and also sentimentalises.