Body mass index is one which tells whether you are having normal weight or overweight or obesity. It declares by measuring your weight in relation to your weight.
Lets see the chart -
Normal range -18.5 to 24.9(Bmi)
Overweight-25 to 29.9(Bmi)
Obesity-30 or higher (Bmi)
Along with BMI , there also exists waist size ,if there is increase in waist size ,there will be increase in health risks more than any other part . Women should have less than 35 waist and men should have less than 40 waist.
Health issues-
1. You will be shocked to know almost 87% of patients with obesity or overweight are having diabetes. Makes Insulin hormone resistant , Insulin carries sugar from blood to cells which is used for energy. This may give rise to high blood pressure
2. Obesity may led to more likely to high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels which are led to heart diseases and stroke.
3.obesity increase your chance for cancer in cervix, ovary , uterus,breast , colon , rectum ,etc.
4. Digestive problem- obesity increases likelihood that you'll develop gallbladder,liver diseases.
5. sleep apnea, it means breathing starts and stops.
6. Women may suffer from infertility, pcos, irregular periods.
7. Osteoarthritis due to gain of weight.
Mentally disable - aside from health issues and dangers , it also effect physically , that is shame and guilt, fatigue, sex problems, depression.
Prevention from this curse-
Well its really tough, one have to wait year after year to try to bring oneself a perfect shape and diseases risk free. the way to lose weight is similar to gaining wait. One should go for morning walk. 150 to 300 minutes exercise training to get result and sweat shall fall. Can go for skipping , brisk climbing ,swimming.
.can focus on low calories and low fat transfer foods like oats, fruits , vegetables. choosing food is very important to keep one's body healthy.
Exercise and dieting are best to work in this ground . so focus on this.
Until it gives pain its not working. Choose wisely to look young or older and have more disease risk or have a healthy life. Our lifestyle responsible for everything.