Intellectual Property Rights

A form of property called Intellectual property has come into existence and its importance is growing  the immaterial products of a man's brain may be as valuable as his land or his goods. the law ,therefore, gives him a proprietary right in its, and the unauthorised use of it by other person is a violation of his ownership , no less than theft or trespass is.
According to article 2 (vii) of the convention establishing the world Intellectual property organisation(WIPO) 'Intellectual Property' shall include the rights relating to- 
-literary, artistic, scientific works
-preformance of performing artists,phonograms and broadcasts
-invention in all field of human endeavour,
-scientific designs ,
- industrial designs,
- trademarks , service marks And commercial names and designations ,
- protection against unfair competition.
And all together rights resulting from intellectual activity  in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. 
Intellectual peoperty rights (IPRs) are legal rights governing the use of creation of the human mind. 
The mundane .object of IPR , generally , is to exclude third parties from exploting protected subject -matter without explicit authorisation of the right holder,for a creation duration of time.Intellectual property rights help creative and inventive activities of orderly marketing of proprietary goods and services.

Categories of Intellectual property Rights
According to the TRIPs , the intellectual property rights are:
1.copyright and related rights
A)rights of artists, printers,musicians, sculptors, photographers,and authors for copyright in their works.
B)  Rights of computer programmers whether in source or object code for a copyright in their programmes and compilation data
C) Rights of performers, producers of phonogrammes, and broadcasting organizations in respect of fixation on their programmes for a copyright in their work 
2.Right of traders in their trade marks.
3. Right of manufacturers and producers  on gegraphical indication in relation to such products and produce.
4.Rights of designers for their distinctive design  striking to the eye.
5. Patents-
A) rights of inventors for patent to his invention
B) rights of plant breeders and farmers
C) Right of biological diversity
6. Right of computer technologists for their layout design of integrated circuits
7.Right Of businessmen for protection of their undisclosed information on technology and management i.e.,business secrets.
To ensure that software Development  does not violate the cyber laws and enforces IPR calls for paradigm shift in analyzing and modeling nonfunctional and domain requirements in order to deliver quality and legal software product..