Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd is an academic book publisher.

Edupedia Publications (P) Ltd

Book Publication services

What makes EduPub special?

At EDUPUB we provide affordable and customised book publication services to scholars.

Book Publication with ISBN

In book publication, each page holds the author’s crafted world waiting to be explored.

Conference Proceedings Publication

Conference proceedings publication preserves the collective wisdom exchanged at scholarly gatherings, fostering ongoing dialogue and innovation.

Book Chapters Publication

Book chapters publication offers nuanced insights, each serving as a building block in the edifice of knowledge within a broader thematic landscape.

Editing and Proofreading Service

Editing and proofreading services ensure that the brilliance of your ideas shines through the clarity of your words.

Read more: Call for Book Chapters

Book Cover Design

Book cover design: where art meets storytelling, encapsulating the essence of a narrative in a single visual masterpiece.

Read more: Call for Book Chapters

Indexing in Google Books and Amazon Books

Indexing in Google Books and Amazon Books: enhancing discoverability, guiding readers to the treasure trove of knowledge within each page.

Read more: Call for Book Chapters

EduPub Services for Scholars

EduPub services for scholars: Empowering academic endeavors through tailored support, from manuscript preparation to publication strategies, fostering impactful scholarly contributions.

Editing and Proofreading Services

Elevate your manuscript with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring clarity and coherence in every sentence.

Book Cover Design

Entrust your story to captivating visuals that entice readers and reflect the essence of your narrative journey.

Distribution and Marketing Assistance

Extend your reach and connect with audiences worldwide through targeted strategies that amplify your book’s visibility.

Print-on-Demand Services

Embrace flexibility and efficiency with on-demand printing, ensuring your book is available whenever and wherever readers desire.

E-book Conversion and Distribution

Seamlessly transition your manuscript into digital formats, maximizing accessibility across various e-reader platforms.

Indexing and Metadata Optimization

Enhance discoverability and accessibility by organizing your book’s content effectively, facilitating easier navigation for readers and improved search engine visibility.

What our Authors Say

Our authors commend the seamless journey from manuscript to masterpiece, facilitated by personalized support and a commitment to excellence.

Highly recommended!

“Exceptional editorial support and attention to detail—my book truly reached its full potential.” –

Beth Robertson


Easy to use!

“The cover design captured the essence of my story beautifully—I couldn’t be happier with the visual representation of my work.”

Darlene Jones


Endless customization

“From distribution to marketing, their expertise ensured my book reached readers far and wide, exceeding my expectations.”

Bill Williams


Top Publication Services

Blocks allow you to build your own custom posts and pages without any coding knowledge. Here’s a selection of the blocks included on this theme:

Manuscript Evaluation and Editing

Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd offers meticulous manuscript evaluation and editing services, ensuring academic and research works are refined to the highest standards, enhancing their credibility and impact.




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International Journal Publication

With a global reach, Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd facilitates scholarly dissemination through its international journal publication services, providing a platform for researchers to showcase their findings and contribute to their respective fields.




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Book Publishing and Distribution

Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd enables authors to bring their books to life with professional publishing services, including editing, formatting, and distribution, fostering the dissemination of knowledge and ideas to a wide audience.




Book Publication service


ISBN and DOI allotment

Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd offers comprehensive services encompassing manuscript evaluation, international journal publication, and book publishing, empowering scholars to share their research and expertise with the world effectively and professionally. With a focus on quality and global reach, their services support academic and research endeavors, ensuring impactful contributions to the scholarly community.

Read Recent Articles and Tips for Scholarly Publication

“Unlock the secrets to scholarly success with our latest articles and expert tips, guiding you towards impactful publication in your field. From refining your manuscript to navigating the submission process, discover the keys to academic excellence.”